Well, if you read my blog you will quickly find out I LOVE teaching reading. I have a Masters in Reading and Literacy and over my years in first grade, I have come to LOVE teaching reading. I will be sharing my favorite reading resources and EASY ways to teach guided reading without getting OVERWHELMED! One of the first things I find teachers stressed about is writing LESSON PLANS!! Those can take FOREVER and then when you sit with a reading group, you may have to changed everything you planned because the kiddos didn't get a concept as quickly as you thought...
I gathered the most common topics for guided reading lesson plans and make this quick lesson plan template.
It should take you
less than 45 seconds to fill out per reading group! Super quick- super easy. Straight to the point. Add the Common Core Standards at the top or I just write (Refer to my "I CAN Board"- which I will post about later).
I hope you find this as helpful and I do. Also- I copy 2 to a page- front and back so all you need is one sheet for the week.
Let me know your thoughts.
This is amazing! Thank you.